2017 passed me by. It has ended before I managed to fully take stock of my life and happenings around me. It went through like a whirlwind, leaving me stun and hanging… The past year maybe a whirl but it leave its footprints. And what footprints they were. Marawi crisis, martial law in Mindanao, militarization, IP killings and systematic attacks on our democratic rights not to mention natural disasters. On the personal level, I made more connection with my family, contributed to a collaborative book, distance myself from the noise of the "outside world" and spend more time grounding and immersing myself in communities of struggles. While I was struggling to make sense of my life, the world has not stopped to help me figure it out. It clawed at me, waking me up from my stupor. I have already figured out a long time ago that I cannot live for myself alone. I cannot be someone with no accountabilities nor only think of mysel. The past couple of years have been that. A